
Hey, I'm Ryder. I run Degreeless Engineering. Here's a bit about the project.

The Idea

I came from a background in Biomedical Engineering, so when switching to software I had virtually no experience.

I'm a firm believer that the work in this field can be done self-taught, and I don't think there are enough educational resources in DevOps for those in that position - so I'm making more.

The Goal

The goal here is to allow people without a traditional computer science education understand complicated DevOps topics and start to learn more.

The videos are intended to be simple, general overviews of concepts with limited examples - allowing someone with a minimal understanding of technology in general to grasp the concept. Of course there will always be prerequisites required to understand, but if we can minimize these, all the better.

How To Help

I'm always looking for more topics and feedback. If something's not clear to you, please feel free to reach out so I can make more videos on the topic.